Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Why this?

What is going to be attempted here is musings of what had been going on in the mind for quite some time - right from the early teens... It could be called spirituality, psychology, philosophy, the physic of the mind, common living, the meaning of life, the question of god or any other fanciful phrase that can be thought off.

Much has been written and thought of this through the ages. So the question arises as to why another and that too as a blog? Most of the material written down till now seems to be by people who actually have not experienced the reality, and they wrote for their own ends, probably looking for fame, recognition or for their living or even out of foolishness in believing something so strongly. A few of the works are by people who definitely have crossed the border, either because of their own search or their brain structured in such a way because of a rare expression of a gene - 'expression of gene' means that not all properties and coding in the gene gets expressed, but as the gene propagates a particular characteristic, such as, say a particular structure of the brain might show in a particular human. But having crossed they do not remember or take the pains to express all the struggles that they might have crossed. They put it down in quite a crisp way - actually the entire content could be written in a Para. But how to get there or how they have got there had never been clear.

This then is the purpose - to record all that had happened/happens in the process of getting there; thoughts, actions, happenings, techniques, failures, visions, enlightenment and what not... Not to analyze and not to interpret, but to put down the recordings (collected from the past and as well as those of the future) of these. Hoping that the others who go through this common problem might find some use - at least in knowing the wrong turns. At times this narration will touch physics, Vedanta, cosmology, biology, psychology and all that garbage that has been accumulated, whether through learning from what others have already done or through his own insights...

So not as a book, not as a lecture, not as a preaching but simply as a record is the way this is presented. The contents are neither edited nor revised and is simply free-flow writing and hence are prone to errors in structuring.

Again, in a fanciful language, the vision is to share the struggle... not for leading others who too might be groping in the dark and struggling, but simply as a record where they might find things useful. So, not to be a guru charging a ransom for initiation but in reveling what happens in the process and to enable others to have a less resistant path.