Showing posts with label Brain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brain. Show all posts

Monday, March 10, 2014

Brain - Functional Aspects

Every of these things that we will be talking about are dependent on the brain which hosts the mind and the intellect and what not... While a lot of attempts are being made to understand the working of the brain there are very few functional models that exists. What is required here is not a detailed functional model but the basis on which many of the perceptions and what we call understanding depends. What is given here is neither a theory nor an experimentally verified fact, but is rather only a hypothesis. Any human being, can, from his own experience see that what is told below is more or less fine and any functional theory of the brain should have this as an essential ingredient.

Humans could be classified based on the way the brain functions into 'logic' based and 'memory' based. This is not to be taken as a black and white classification but any human would be a shade of grey in-between.

At one extreme is the 'logic' based functioning that could be variously called as 'logical', 'rational', etc. which works primarily in terms of logic with very little memory. Most neurons might be involved in making circuits for the logic and in the formulation of patterns. Such a person would be apt at logic. At this extreme, even memory is through logic - say a number like 248 is remembered as a rule to construct the number like it is 3 digit number with each digit twice the previous digit and all digits being even. The rule rather than the number itself is what is remembered. Rules taking less space are optimal way to utilize the lesser memory. To be a little bit more advanced and be technical, such person has a more active auditory functionality - not in hearing but in making words and abstractions that consists of words with no visualization. They remember and recollect fewer images and images with less detail but keep talking to themselves.

At another extreme is the 'memory' based functioning that could be called 'emotional', 'photographic', etc. A person with such a brain 'remembers' directly what is seen or heard or felt. Any logic is broken into steps and the steps are remembered rather than the pattern that they make. Such brains also have vivid remembrances and are linked to being emotional. The neurons in such a brain probably work as storage devices with minimal circuits. The technical side would be that these people recollect and remember images too well and has a low level of internal or self chattering. They are good at real things and with pictorial representations.
While these are the extremes, the average human brain is probably somewhere in-between. Any thought of either efficient utilization of the brain or any observation, perception or shaping of the mind depends on this classification.

The numerous older texts that refer to mental techniques written by various people seem to address one kind of brain or the other. Thus the techniques and methods that apply for one kind of brain need not necessarily work for the other. It would be beneficial if other works in this area are read with this classification in mind.